Social Sculpture Research Unit

The Social Sculpture Research Unit at Oxford Brookes University promotes interdisciplinary creativity and connective aesthetics - the relationship between the aesthetic and the ecological, between transformative social process and sustainable futures - with special consideration for the social sculpture proposals of Joseph Beuys and their further development.

Social Sculpture refers to an understanding of art as an interdisciplinary and participatory process in which thought, speech and discussion are core materials available to everyone, and all human beings are recognised as artists able to shape a democratic, sustainable social order. 

Social sculpture is concerned with creative strategies and new methodologies of engagement. It focuses on our ability to respond and connect more deeply with the world in which we live. It explores the relationship between:

  •     imagination and sustainable futures
  •     ethics and aesthetics
  •     Ecological healing and imaginal work
  •     the functional and the symbolic
  •     art and responsibility

Focusing on our ability to respond and connect more deeply with the world in which we live.
Joseph Beuys’ statement that Art=Capital could be restated as Creativity=Capital or Imagination =Capital. It refers to the potential that human beings have to see beyond self-centredness, nationalism and egocentric globalisation and to reshape a society that recognises the interconnectedness of all forms of being.

Social sculpture is about developing a social model in which direct democracy is an essential aspect of the process towards sustainable, eco-centric futures.   

The Social Sculpture Research Unit (SSRU), coordinated by Shelley Sacks, is based within the School of Arts at Oxford Brookes University. The Unit facilitates the practice of, and reflection on social sculpture and related forms of eco-art and art and social process, and has developed a unique research area of international interest.

Current Projects

The Unit is currently engaged in a number of different projects that include:

  •    developing new social sculpture projects (e.g University of the Trees and  Earth Forum for the Climate Fluency Exchange) and presenting existing social sculpture projects in various contexts.

  •    organising colloquia, seminars and conferences on social sculpture / connective aesthetics and sustainable futures (current series: Agents of Change and Ecological Citizenship)

  •    articulating the legacy of Joseph Beuys and his social sculpture ideas in the context of work towards sustainable, eco-centric futures

  •    developing new written material on social sculpture (Sacks and Kurt: Aesthetic Education for Sustainability - 2012)

  •    supervising doctoral  research students and offering a Masters programme in social sculpture

  •    pedagogic research into the teaching of new art practice

  •    redeveloping and maintaining a social sculpture website, that includes: historicaland contemporary     material for sustainable futures researchers, eco-artists, eco-activists and others involved with social sculpture; information on individuals and projects; and opportunities for participation

  •    interdisciplinary and collaborative projects with environmentalists, sustainable futures activists and cultural geographers

  •    initiating and supporting research into social sculpture related topics

  •    contributing to debates and discussions on social sculpture and sustainable futures lectures, performances, conference presentations and workshops (e.g. The Art of Changing One's Mind(set) - Melbourne 2010


The SSRU would be pleased to receive details and documentation of social sculpture projects and work in the related areas of eco-art, art and sustainability, and art, consciousness and transformative process.

If you are interested in the work of the unit please see our website:

The Social Sculpture Research Unit, School of Arts and Humanities, Oxford Brookes University, Headington, Oxford, OX3 OBP, UK.

Tel: UK (0)1865 48 4961 Fax: UK (0) 1865 48 4952
E-mail: Shelley Sacks